Thursday, March 6, 2008

'Till Shiloh

Colors are used a lot to represent certain persons, places or establishments. This is illustrated best in flags. Each country has their own flag with symbols and colors which represent who they are and where they are from. Most people use the colors of a flag just to discern which country it represents but a flag and its colors tell more then the name of its country, it offers a historical allegory of its nation. Take the Jamaican flag for example, most people would know that the colors are green, black and yellow but do they know what they stand for, or that they even stand for something in the first place? The colors which make up Jamaica's flag reflect on its history. Black, green and yellow are considered pan african colors, representing Africa and Ethiopia especially. The black in the Jamaican flag stands for hardships to be faced and ones which were overcome. The green represents the land, the grass and the promise for agriculture, it also represents hope. Lastly is the color yellow, who’s meaning is slightly debated. Most people agree it stands for the beauty of sunlight and natural wealth. Others take the color representing gold a little farther believing the meaning goes deeper then that, and represents all of the gold and wealth which was stolen from Africa and Jamaica during the times in which they were colonized. At face value colors can represent something, giving you a quick a answer but examine them a little closer and you will find that often they have much more information then one realizes.

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