Who thought making a simple 10 shade scale would be so hard? Create a shape and go from light to dark, can't be to hard.... While making my scale I learned some things about the process and the delicateness of shading. When coloring things in I tended to go to real dark and not spend enough time exploring the lighter shades. The lighter shades, I also found, were harder to control in gradually making them darker. It was nice to be able to see and understand that you do not need a new pencil just for a different color, but you can harden or weaken the pressure on one for different outcomes.
The piece that I drew was a little difficult, surprising me once again. The background of my creation is shaded instead of white, which was annoying and smudgy to fill in. It was hard to keep it consistent and not smudge into the other shapes. Having the background light grey worked out, I think, because it allows for the some of the shapes to be white without blending in with the background. The fact that all the shapes aren't all connected and part of each other helps the different shades stand out more, especially with the light grey for the background color.
Description: The drawing consists mainly of organic shapes in shades ranging from light gray to dark gray. In addition, four negative shapes(white shapes) can be seen. A background is formed with adjacent light gray shapes, and a foreground with spaced dark gray shapes. Several orderly patterns exist within the drawing as well; Crescents, spirals, ovals, circles, and diamonds are either drawn in rows or as inversions.
The artist intended on placing great emphasis on the foreground shapes because she heavily contrasts them with a light background. In addition, she does not connect any of the foreground shapes [except for one, perhaps accidental], allowing them to be viewed individually. The foreground itself appears lively because the shapes are not simple, containing a mix of convex and concave curves, and exterior and interior angles.
Evaluation: Overall I like this drawing because of the complexity of the foreground shapes. Their various curves and angles lead my eyes all over the page. I find it interesting that although there is no actual boundary between the foreground shapes, the movement of my eyes from dark shape to dark shape is what creates the connection between them.
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